
The EC launched a new consultation on improving enviroment for start-ups

What actions are needed at EU level to facilitate the creation of start-ups?

European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

Publicado el miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016 a las 10:19

What obstacles do entrepreneurs face when they try to start up and expand their businesses in the Single Market? What actions are needed at EU level to facilitate the creation of start-ups?

The European Commission launched a public consultation to hear the views of entrepreneurs and start-ups, as well as all other stakeholders, on how to improve the environment for start-ups in the EU. The consultation launches the Start-up Initiative announced in the Single Market Strategy which aims at creating favourable conditions for entrepreneurs to start up and scale up their businesses in the EU.

The consultation will help to identify possible solutions and, if needed, design new policies to help businesses grow. The goal is to create serial entrepreneurs who will reinvest when they succeed, try again when they fail, and support a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem throughout. 

The consultation on the Start-up Initiative will be open until 30 June

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