
Industrial Technologies 2016: Creating a Smart Europe

Amsterdam will be the host of the European Conference Industrial Technologies 2016 on 22-24 June

Comienzo: el miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016 a las 09:45
Finaliza: el viernes, 24 de junio de 2016 a las 18:00


RAI Conference Centre Amsterdam


22 1078 GZ Amsterdam



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[;;;][;;;]Industrial Technologies 2016

Industrial Technologies 2016

Largest networking conference

Industrial Technologies 2016 is a three days conference with a wide variety of plenary and interactive sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, case studies, eye-opening site visits and numerous opportunities to get in contact with new business partners.

It will be the largest networking conference in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalisation in Europe, with more than 1.250 high level delegates.

The conference that brings together research, industry, education, finance and policy from manufacturing and process industry and technology domains from all over Europe to identify priorities that are crucial to strengthen the European industrial innovation ecosystem.

Industrial Technologies 2016 – Creating a Smart Europe is organized as an associated event of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2016.



On 22 - 24 June in the RAI Conference Centre Amsterdam - Europaplein 22 1078 GZ, Amsterdam


You can register for the event here

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