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Webinar: Preparing the investment


45-minute webinar organized by EBN with the support of Invest Horizon

How to get a company investment ready understanding the investors' criteria? What type of information investors look for and how to improve the business proposal? Those will be the main topics that we will be touching up during the 45 minutes free webinar organised with the support of InvestHorizon.

How to get a company investment ready The focus is on growth companies, which are constantly in need of capital for new investments. By distinguishing between different phases of investment, entrepreneurs can better identify when to consider which sources of capital. After all, different investments and measures are required at different phases of the business development in order to make businesses attractive for investments. This represents a major challenge for management, which must allocate its limited resources in terms of know-how owners, time and capital in such a way that the expectations of stakeholders are always met. In a dynamic environment, this is not always an easy task, which must be solved in a system-immanent field of tension along the entire value chain in order to meet the various expectations.

What will be covered

• Core elements of the growth strategy (focus on product and market strategy, optimization and scaling-up)

• Measures to create added value along the value chain and increase market attractiveness (USP, IP, differentiation, focus on niches, ...)

• Realization of Technology and Marketing Excellence – actions to improve product and market fit

• Establish flexible forms of organisation and ensure compliance with objectives - Introduction of planning, management and control systems in the course of operational and strategic control

DATE: April 23, 2020

TIME: from 16 to 17 hours.


European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)
3.058 visitas

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