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Eurostars @ Knowledge for Growth 2020


On September 9, 2020, the physical pairing event will take place in Ghent, Belgium.

el miércoles, 09 de septiembre de 2020 de 10:00 a 11:00


Gent ICC

Van Rysselberghedreef 2, 9000 Gent, Bélgica


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Eurostars Life Sciences Matching Event A brokerage event for SMEs seeking to cooperate in research and development projects. In the context of Eurostars calls (the next deadline is September 3, 2020), the Enterprise Europe Network and the public funding agencies of Belgium, the Netherlands and Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) co-organize an international matchmaking event for SMEs interested in life science issues. Eurostars finances international innovative projects led by SMEs that carry out R&D activities. With its bottom-up focus, it supports the development of innovative products, processes and services. It is an ideal first step in international cooperation, as it enables small businesses to combine and share knowledge and benefit from working across national or regional borders. To assist interested parties in the search for international partners (companies, universities, research institutes) with complementary experience to establish a Eurostars project, a double brokerage event is organized in the field of life sciences, including health, biotechnology, medical technology and Agrotech: On May 27, 2020, online B2B meetings will be facilitated via the b2match platform to allow companies to find partners for the next Eurostars call in September.

On September 9, 2020, the physical pairing event will take place in Ghent, Belgium. Participants will then have the opportunity to learn about the latest services and financing opportunities offered to SMEs for cross-border research projects by the Eurostars and Interreg programs and how to establish an international project. In addition, the agenda will include pitch and matchmaking sessions for companies that want to present a proposal in 2021.

Please note that participants in the virtual matchmaking session on May 27 are also invited to attend the full Eurostars Life Sciences matchmaking event (with presentations, presentations and bilateral meetings) on September 9, 2020 in Ghent. The Eurostars physical matchmaking event is scheduled the day before the Knowledge for Growth conference (on 10 September 2020), one of Europe's largest conferences in the life sciences arena, to be held in the same facilities in Ghent.

By scheduling the Eurostars event adjacent to this conference, participants will have the opportunity to attend several interesting presentations in the life sciences sector and network with companies and research institutes active in the field RATE The Eurostars matchmaking event is free. Pairing participants can enjoy the Knowledge for Growth conference at a reduced price (40% off the general registration fee) by registering in advance. Register for the Eurostars matchmaking event. You will receive a confirmation email directly after registration containing the discount code for the conference.

Register for the Knowledge for Growth conference by following the instructions in the confirmation email that was sent to you. Information on prices and tickets can be found here. For whom? Why participate? Companies and researchers active in the field of life sciences. Get the latest information on financing opportunities Present your project ideas, organization and know-how at the launch session Connect with companies in this sector and explore the possibilities of cooperation in R&D.

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