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Four Spanish companies pre-selected for the European eco-innovation awards

Premios Europeos

European Business Awards for the Environment

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018 a las 13:45

Four Spanish companies in the running to become

Europe’s champions of eco-innovation

Four companies from Spain have been shortlisted for the European Business Awards for the Environment, a scheme which rewards those businesses that are making the most outstanding contribution to sustainable development through eco-innovation.

The companies are:

  • A&B Laboratorios de Biotecnología S.A.U and the Integration of Sustainable Development Goals in their strategy for a sustainable and competitive growth;
  • Plastic Repair System 2011 S.L. and their disruptive technology for the industrial repair of large series of reusable plastic articles;
  • Red Eléctrica de España, S.A.U. and their project for the recovery of degraded Posidonia seagrass meadows;
  • SUEZ SPAIN and their commitment to turning water treatment plants into Biodiversity Reserves.

One additional company was identified as a “Rising Star”*.  This is EKONEK Innovación en Valorización de Subproductos S.L. with their technology to recover proteins in powder from food by-products.

These five companies are part of a European shortlist of 22 Finalists and six Rising Stars from nine different countries, selected by the EBAE Jury which met on 28-29 June in Sofia (Bulgaria) with the challenging task of agreeing a shortlist out of 161 applications received from 19 European countries.

The Finalists are up for six awards: Management (micro and small companies), Management (medium and large companies), Product & Services, Process, Developing Country Cooperation and Business & Biodiversity. They all have in common a respect for the environment at the very core of their business principles.

The winners will be announced at the EBAE Awards Ceremony, to be held on 14 November in Vienna (Austria).  The event will be part of the “Growth in Transition” conference, one of the flagship events of the Austrian EU Presidency.


About the European Business Awards for the Environment

The European Business Awards for the Environment, an initiative of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment, recognise businesses that successfully combine innovation, competitiveness and outstanding environmental performance.

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