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Future Tech Week 2020


From 21-25 September 2020

Comienzo: el martes, 22 de septiembre de 2020 a las 10:00
Finaliza: el viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2020 a las 20:00


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The Future Tech Week provides EIC Pathfinder FET projects with a unique opportunity and broad platform upon which to showcase their achievements in fields aligning with the European Commission’s priorities, including Artificial Intelligence and information technology, health and biotech, culture and society, energy and environment, and nanotech and materials. To bypass the uncertainty surrounding travel and events in 2020, the initiative will take place entirely online – making it even easier for projects to share their news.

Future Tech Week will also be part of the European Union’s research flagship event, European Research & Innovation Days, running virtually from 22-25 September. This collaboration will provide EIC Pathfinder FET projects with increased opportunities for outreach.

Future Tech Week will include an extensive social media campaign, with its very own #EICFTW hashtag. Tweets featuring this hashtag will be linked to the event’s Future Board, allowing everyone to join the conversation. The Future Board feature will also offer projects the opportunity to announce their latest news via special uploads.


Projects interested in participating can find more details on the Future Tech Week website. The virtual format opens the field to a wide range of contributions, from news stories to videos, virtual lab tours, animations, filmed experiments, prototype demonstrations, webinars – to any other creative tool in between. Resourcefulness in describing breakthrough results is encouraged.

The ‘Practical Good Practices Kit for Ongoing and Future FET Projects’ provides useful advice and  guidelines for researchers on how to create engaging content. A pre-recorded webinar ‘Your Effective FET Communication Strategy’ is another source of valuable information. Additional support actions will be announced this summer.


Running virtually from 22-25 September.

For more information, please contact.

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