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Photonics Days 2020 - Online Edition


Photonics – enabling technologies, still and now more than ever!

Comienzo: el lunes, 05 de octubre de 2020 a las 09:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 08 de octubre de 2020 a las 18:00

The future is made of light: photonics, the scientific and economic use of light, and closely linked microsystems technology, are among the most important key technologies of digitization and will provide solutions to the most pressing future challenges like climate change, ageing population, mobility, and security.

With their diverse competence spectrum, numerous companies and research institutions make the Berlin-Brandenburg region one of the world's leading industry locations. As an interface between different technologies, they often form the basis for innovative products and services, for example in the fields of medicine or communications technology. In order to further advance these developments, six so-called fields of action have been identified in the cluster.

Photonics are at the heart of many other innovations.

  • Without photonics there are no computers, no internet, no cloud as we know it. 
  • Without photonics industry 4.0 will stay at 3.0.
  • Without photonics there will be no self-driving vehicles.


During Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg we want to discuss the latest tech developments, manufacturing and testing challenges and market opportunities with the international community.


Our matchmaking will be completely virtual! Weird?! Maybe a bit, but by now, we believe, most of us have become used to video calls and conferences and it will work with people we don't know yet.

More important, however, is the quality of your profile, if you want to meet to the right partners. Here's how you maximise the impact of your matchmaking profile!

To make clear who you are log into your profile:

  • Your position in value chain
  • Your core technology and
  • The application field of your product/service.

A meaningful profile will generate way more expression of interests for bilateral talks. 


Deadline open until the next October 8, 2020.

>Register here

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