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el lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2020 de 10:00 a 13:00


Evento On-line

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This webinar is part of a series “Impact Investing: dal dire al fare” (translation: ‘’Impact Investing: from saying to doing’’) hosted by the Italian EBN member AR-TER. 


This webinar series of six online sessions will present facts and figures, business models and investment strategies, and actors of the Italian impact investing ecosystem, in conversation with its protagonists and their business support actors.


During this first session, EBN and EVPA will shed light on the European dimension of the impact investment sector. We will present how Business Support Organisations (BSOs) and impact investors can contribute together to shaping a more inclusive, impact-oriented, sustainable, and environmental-friendly entrepreneurial ecosystem. The two networks specifically aim to mobilise their Italian members to join the initiative and take part in the “Reverse Pitching” sessions of the webinar series.


  • Introduction Chiara Davalli, EBN
  • Investing for impact - Alessia Gianoncelli, EVPA
  • Il valore sociale degli investimenti - Federico Mento, Social Value Italia
  • Il mercato della finanza di impatto in Italia - Mario Calderini, TIRESIA




European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)
2.970 visitas

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