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Smart Cities Marketplace Matchmaking: connecting cities, solutions, and investors

Smart cities

19 October 2021

el martes, 19 de octubre de 2021 de 16:00 a 17:30


Evento Híbrido - Online y Presencial

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How can your smart city project become bankable? How to attract private financing to your project? What are cities doing to incorporate lessons learned in the mobility sector? You want answers to all these questions?


The Smart Cities Marketplace is present on-site at CIVITAS as a side event in Aachen. This Matchmaking Meet-up gives you the opportunity to learn from our expert speakers how to make your project bankable and how to attract private investment. Determine to shape your project with our Smart City Guidance Package.


Additionally to our physical presence, we offer online deal and matchmaking meetings with investors of the Smart Cities Marketplace investor network from 18 to 22 October.

The Smart Cities Marketplace matchmaking support service is continuously looking for projects in need of finance to be matched with the requirements of members of our Investor Network.


Georg Houben, Policy Officer DG Energy, European Commission will be on-site discussing financing, shaping projects, and urban mobility with Eelco Kruizinga, matchmaking expert of the Smart Cities Marketplace, investment professionals and Edwin Mermans, Senior Advisor International Affairs, Province of Noord-Brabant and expert of the Action Cluster Sustainable Urban Mobility.

DATE & PLACE: 19 October 2021 in Aachen, Germany.


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