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Winners of the EU Sustainable Energy Awards announced

Sustainable Energy Awards

European Commission recognises champions of 2030 climate and energy targets

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
viernes, 05 de noviembre de 2021 a las 11:17

Today, the best European clean energy projects and leaders received top recognition at the EU Sustainable Energy Awards ceremony where five winners took home awards in their respective categories - Engagement, Innovation, Woman in Energy, Young Energy Trailblazer - and the Citizens' Award. An expert jury selected the winners in the Engagement and Innovation categories while European citizens chose the others via a public vote. European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, was on hand to congratulate the winners at the online awards ceremony which kicked off Day 1 of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).

EnergyNeighbourhoods took home the Engagement award for its green lifestyle programme that empowers citizens to save energy in Hungary.

The Engagement award recognises activities with high social acceptance potential, that inspire and motivate citizens to change their energy usage habits.

LIFE-DIADEME won the Innovation award for its innovative public lighting scheme which reduces emissions and improves pedestrian safety.

The Innovation award recognises outstanding EU-funded activities that show an original and innovative path toward the clean energy transition.

Birgit Hansen, Mayor of Frederikshavn, won the Woman in Energy award for her local leadership in climate planning.

The Woman in Energy award recognises outstanding activities led by women that, if replicated, help to advance the clean energy transition in Europe and contribute to the European energy and climate targets.

Filip Koprčina scooped the Young Energy Trailblazer award for democratising solar energy ownership.

The Young Energy Trailblazer award recognises outstanding activities carried out by young people (under 35) which advance the clean energy transition in Europe and inspire ambitious climate and energy action.

RenOnBill took the Citizens' Award for bringing financial institutions and utilities together to increase renovation uptake.

The Citizens’ Award recognises initiatives and individuals working on innovative and engaging ways to reinvent Europe’s energy landscape. The six projects competing in the Engagement and Innovation categories were up for consideration for this award, determined by public vote.

About the EUSEW Awards

Twelve outstanding individuals and projects are highlighted at the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2021 for their innovation in energy efficiency and renewables. Finalists were chosen from a list of the year’s most successful projects for clean, secure and efficient energy. The awards have four categories - Engagement, Innovation, Woman in Energy and Young Energy Trailblazer – as well as the Citizen’s Award. Prizes were awarded by an expert jury (for Engagement and Innovation), and by citizens via a public vote.

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