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New opportunities for international cooperation for companies from the ICT sector from Poland and Finland


Virtual B2B meetings based on the digital model

el martes, 08 de septiembre de 2020 de 10:00 a 15:00

Wrocław Technology Transfer Center of Wrocław University of Science and Technology together with partners of the Enterprise Europe Network and invited IT clusters organize virtual B2B meetings dedicated to both companies and scientists who base their current activities on the digital model and to all those who see the need for digital transformation in their activities.

In the first event we introduce our clusters and Digitalization / E-commerce success case from each cluster, followed by one-to-one online meetings.

Topics addressed

  • Open data
  • Software developers
  • Autonomous vehicles and autonomous solutions for maritime industry
  • NLP
  • AI and Machine learning in Digital healthcare
  • Digital transformation & Industry 4.0
  • IoT - Embedded systems
  • Oursourcing of IT services and BPO


We invite companies representing the ICT sector and all those companies that operate in other industries, actively expanding the digital model as part of their business activities, as well as for all those companies that are entering the stage of digital transformation to participate in virtual B2B meetings.


  1. Presentations of the invited clusters: Turku Awakens, ITCorner, Interizon,
  2. Presentations of the regions involved in the event,
  3. B2B meetings for representatives of companies from Poland and Finland.

DATE: September 8, 2020 at 10.00 a.m.

PLACE: On-line meeting on the B2match platform.


Deadline: September 8, 2020 at 10.00 a.m


SEIMED Enterprise European Network
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