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Call Urban Innovative Actions

Urban Innovative Actions

Identify and test innovative solutions for sustainable urban development

Hasta el jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2019 a las 14:00

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Urban Innovative Actions

Urban Innovative Actions

The UIA Initiative has launched its fifth Call for Proposals. The call is aimed at providing urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. It will remain open from 16 September 2019 until 12 December 2019 at 2pm CET. The budget for this call is approximately EUR 50 million ERDF

Urban Innovative Actions is an Initiative of the European Union to test innovative ideas and support urban authorities in their efforts to ensure sustainable urban development. It takes its roots in a strong commitment at European level to strengthen the urban dimension of EU policies.


-> Are you an urban authority with more than 50 000 inhabitants or a grouping of urban authorities with a total population of at least 50 000 inhabitants, located in one of the 28 EU Member States?

-> Do you have a bold idea that has never been implemented before to address a challenge you face, but do you need support to implement it?
-> Do you think that your idea can generate a real positive change for your citizens?


  • Air quality
  • Circular economy
  • Demographic change
  • Culture and cultural heritage

UIA funds projects that are:

  • Innovative: be bold, creative and propose a project that has never been implemented anywhere else in Europe. Demonstrate that your idea is experimental and not part of your normal activities.
  • Participative: involve the key stakeholders that will bring expertise and knowledge to your project, both during the design and the implementation phase of a project.
  • Of good quality: define realistic ambitions, coherent activities and effective management. A logically interlinked work plan, a coherent and proportionate budget as well as effective management arrangements will make things happen.
  • Measurable: how will you describe the change you want to see in your local situation if the project is successful? How would you measure this change? Defining clear results that can be measured and quantified is key.
  • Transferable: address an urban challenge that can be relevant to other urban authorities in Europe, draw lessons on your experiment and share them with a wider audience of policy makers and practitioners.

SUBMISSION PERIOD: The application form is December 12, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.


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