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Knowledge For Growth 2020


Two days of high-quality content & ample networking opportunities

Comienzo: el miércoles, 09 de septiembre de 2020 a las 14:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020 a las 18:30

Knowledge for growth is Europe's finest life sciences conference, taking place on 9 & 10 September 2020. For the first time digitally delivered!

The conference features an exciting programme providing vital insight into the global life sciences’ landscape, one-to-one partnering, a digital trade fair and more!

Also on the programme is the highly acclaimed State of the Union event, co-organized with VIB
A moment to announce new developments and initiatives in the Flemish life sciences cluster 
and how we position ourselves vis-a-vis the 
European landscape.

We invite you to have a look at the programme.

After carefully evaluating all possible outcomes and scenarios, and with our attendees' health and safety in mind,
flanders.bio has decided to turn the 2020 edition of knowledge for growth into a digital experience!


  • An extensive online profile in addition to the online visibility on knowledgeforgrowth.be. 
  • 1-on-1 matchmaking.
  • Two full access tickets.
  • Higher savings. The overall cost for your digital exhibitor package will be lowered substantially to €825 for flanders.bio members (€1140 for non-members).
  • Extended exposure, from Wednesday noon until midnight on Thursday. That’s a lot more time for partnering, quality content and engaging with your digital booth.
  • Exhibitors live dashboard. Track live analytics during the event with the Analytics Dashboard, available in the exhibitor area
  • Marketing support. Interactive exhibitor webinars will be made available, walking you through the platform and answering all questions regarding its possibilities, such as networking features, editing of the company profile, showcasing products/services, managing the team’s meetings and shared contacts etc.
  • Recruitment package. Students and job seekers can register free of charge, in order to engage with those of you who are on the lookout for new recruits. The package itself has also been reduced in pricing.


>>Register here

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