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Ruhrsummit 2019


Comienzo: el martes, 29 de octubre de 2019 a las 09:30
Finaliza: el miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019 a las 18:00


Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

An der Jahrhunderthalle 1


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Más información e inscripciones

RuhrSummit links the promising STARTUPS with COMPANIES, INVESTORS and other decision makers established in the industry. Experience the TECHNOLOGIES, INSIGHTS and MEGATRENDS presented by TOP SPEAKERN start-up hotspots around the world. Meet the future stars of the industry at the big EXPO. Meet in person the future stars of the industry at the great EXPO.

We have established a meeting point for new companies for selected companies and companies. We expect more than 4000 participants, approximately 100 speakers and representatives of approximately 1000 new companies.

PITCH: The launch competition is characterized by a relentless selection process and a high caliber audience. Request one of the most sought-after seats and take advantage of the extensive RuhrSummit network. Present your business idea not only to the jury, but also to representatives of established companies, VCs, business angels and potential multipliers. By participating, you will receive a platform to attract regional and national attention and to acquire the right business partners for your project.

WORKSHOPS: Wide variety of topics, exclusive technical knowledge of the industry and small groups of workshops for the maximum supply of knowledge.

STAND: Also in 2019 there will be an exclusive exhibition area for companies and companies pre-selected in RuhrSummit. The most promising applications receive their own position to position themselves ahead of the competition and key decision makers in the region. Expand your professional network by getting directly involved with emerging talent, potential business partners and investors.

DATE: October 29 and 30, 2019

HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

PLACE: Jahrhunderthalle Bochum in Germany

3.732 visitas

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