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European Social Innovation Competition 2021


Skills For Tomorrow | Shaping a green and digital future

Hasta el miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021 a las 23:59

Launched in memory of social innovation pioneer Diogo Vasconcelos, the European Social Innovation Competition is a Competition run by the European Commission, with the support from the EIC across all EU Member States and Horizon Europe associated countries. 

The Competition launched in 2013 and acts as a beacon for social innovators across Europe, employing a proven methodology for supporting early-stage ideas and facilitating a network of radical innovators shaping our society for the better. Each year the Competition addresses a different issue facing Europe.


This 2021 Competition aims to incentivise, support and reward social innovations that will help people and organisations to identify, develop and strengthen the skills they will need to adapt and thrive in a changing world.


The Competition is open to any legal entity (including natural persons) or group of legal entities, except public administrations, established in EU Member States or Associated countries to Horizon Europe. 

Ideas and proposals from all sources, sectors and all types of organisations including for-profit, not-for-profit, or private companies are welcome. Applications involving several organisations and/or from various countries are also possible.


The Competition is looking for scalable social innovations that will contribute to job creation, growth and European competitiveness by helping people, businesses and industries identify, develop and strengthen the skills that will power the European economy’s green and digital future.

The Competition is open to early stage ideas that tackle challenges relating to the transition to either, or both, futures including but not limited to identifying and mapping skills gaps as well as approaches to development and training that will support people to reskill or upskill. All solutions must work towards sustainability, taking into consideration their own environmental impact.


Deadline open until 12 May, 2021.


Fuente original del contenido:

EUSIC Challenges  

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